Editorial – 22.11.2024

Foto: Eivind Senneset

The team of technicians at BIO represents a solid and broad range of expertise and skills, as the 2023 technician report clearly demonstrated. This expertise is a significant resource for BIO, spanning a wide range of fields, which we will work to highlight and utilize to the benefit of both the individual technician and the department. Given today’s tight financial framework, it is crucial that everyone at BIO gets the opportunity to contribute at the right place and time. We regularly distribute inquiries with regard to project work, to assess whether we already have the necessary skills and competence available. These inquiries often go to the technicians, so it is important that we can communicate in a way that identifies and evaluates all possibilities. As stated in the technician report, we should conduct an annual update of the technicians’ areas of expertise to ensure we always have an updated overview, allowing us to allocate tasks in the best possible manner.  The positive dialogue which was established during the work with the technician competence mapping provides a solid foundation for the work to be done to establish a routine for maintenance of the competence overview/map.

Julie Stavnes og Ståle Ellingsen mottar NT fakultetets HMS-pris fra dekan Gunn Mangerud. Foto: Beate Rensvik

Yesterday, the annual HSE seminar was held at our faculty, and this year’s HSE award went to… BIO 😊!!!! Congratulations to Julie, Ørjan, and everyone who contributed!!! The award was given for the work carried out in connection with the workplace environment survey conducted in the fall of 2023 at our institute. This work was, and remains, important for BIO. In this regard, I would like to draw attention to the HSE Day on Monday, November 25, where several measures identified in the 2023 survey will be in focus. If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s still possible to do so. After the HSE Day program concludes, many of us will gather for the Christmas party at Lanternen at 5 PM. It’s going to be great fun, and I’m looking forward to it!

Another BIO employee was also honored at the HSE seminar. Ann-Elise Olderbakk Jordal was thanked for her service as the faculty’s safety representative and congratulated on her new role as deputy university safety representative. Congratulations on your new responsibilities, Ann-Elise!

Have a great weekend!