[Our translation] VilVite og Tekna Student Bergen invite the city’s science and technology students to Real Boost – students’ evening at VilVite September 26. 2024. There will be an innovation workshop with businesses, mingling, networking and entertainment. UiB, HVL (Bergen…
Category: External events
Thur Oct 3. The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board, Breakfast meeting: Polar bears and whales in a petri dish
[Our translation/Google translate] Large mammals play an important role in marine ecosystems, but predators high in the food chain are particularly exposed to environmental toxins. Anders Goksøyr and Sofie Søderstrøm at the University of Bergen talk about how we can…
News from MSCA og ERC
ERC reading days There will be reading days in Bergen, 03 September. You can find an overview and registration here: The Norwegian Research Council’s events (forskningsradet.no)
Invitation to attend the virtual Aquatic Life Conference
Good day, I am pleased to invite the faculty and students of your university to join us for the 5th Annual Aquatic Life Conference (fully virtual and free to attend) on September 9th and 10th, half days in EST time.
Deep-sea dive Live stream
Join us for a live stream of a remotely-operated dive at Loki’s castle hydrothermal vent field in the Arctic, 2300 meters below sea level.
The Swedish research vessel RV Skagerak to Bergen August 7
RV Skagerak, the largest research ship of the University of Gothenburg, is visiting Bergen August 7 on the way to Svalbard.
Opportunities beyond Horizon Europe Cluster 6 (Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment) | 19th of June 2024
Dear Cluster 6 applicant, we would like to invite you to the online training “Opportunities beyond Horizon Europe Cluster 6: EU Missions, European Partnerships, LIFE programme” organized by the CARE4BIO project next 19th of June 2024, afternoon.
Tue 4 Jun. DIKU: Online meeting on outstanding education: What are the opportunities ahead?
[Our translation] A new report examines lessons learned from Centers for Excellence in Education. We invite you to an online meeting to discuss how the lessons learned can contribute to quality development at universities and colleges. Discussion with Aslaug Slette…
Ecocritical dialogues – Tuesday 28 May
[Our translation. All info was received in Norwegian language] Time and place: “Zinken Hopp”, Litteraturhuset in Bergen, Tuesday 28 May at 19-20:30. The event is free and open to everyone.
Photosyntech PhD courses in Northern Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration
Dear all, Please help us spread the word about our upcoming PhD courses within your networks. Field course: northern biodiversity hotspots, flora of Skibotn and surroundings (5 ECTS) Jul. 29 – Aug. 3 contact: galina.gusarova@uit.no Ecological Restoration of Upland Areas: Revegetation…