It was truly inspiring to kick off the first bioTHURSDAY yesterday. It was fantastic to see such a great turnout at our first bioSEMINAR! A big thank you to Peter Manning and Andreas Borchel, who delivered excellent scientific presentations in…
Category: BIO News
Thu 13. Feb. bioLUNCH with Marius Rydningen Langvad and Marius Takvam
Marius Langvad: Viruses in the shadows: infecting hosts that are rare but everywhere Marius Takvam: Mapping key ion transporter and channels in the kidney of Atlantic salmon – implications for pathophysiology 12.15-13.00 K1/K2, 1st floor, Biologen, A-block
BIO Publications weeks 1-6 2025
As of this issue, a list of the last week’s publications by BIO-affiliated authors will be published in the newsletter. In this first issue, all publications so far this year has been included.
Tue 11. Feb. MolBio seminar by Line Vevle
Curious function of glutamate receptors in a chordate with a drastically simpliefied nervous system 9.15-10.00 the N-terminal (room 439C1), 4th floor, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret Line is a master’s student in the Lynagh-group at the Michael Sars Centre
Editorial – 31.01.2025
As Ståle mentioned in last week’s editorial, we have in the aqua medicine group just had a meeting with aqua medicine biologists educated at UiB. This to get input from them how to better equip today’s aqua medicine biology students…
New member of staff – Thea Fossum Krog
Hi, My name is Thea, and I just started my four-year PhD in fish immunology. Originally from Trøndelag, but I have lived in Bergen for the past 5 years as I have taken both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in…
Thu 6. Feb at 12.15. First bioSEMINAR with Peter Manning and Andreas Borchel!
Peter Manning: Linking Biodiversity and Land Use Changes to Societal Impacts Andreas Borchel: Salmon Skin’s Secrets: Decoding the Transcriptomic Defense Against Salmon Lice 12.15-13.00 Auditoriet, VilVite
Thu 6. Feb. Guest lecture by John McNamara
Genes versus individuals Talk for Department of Biological Sciences Thursday 6 February 13:00 VilVite auditorium. (Right after and in the same room as the bioSEMINAR)
Shut Up and Write at BIO
Struggling to find time to sit down and write on a paper or grant proposal? In need of a focused work session without interruptions like emails, phones, students or colleagues knocking on your door? Welcome to join us for Shut…
Curriculum adjustments for autumn 2025
[Our translation/google translate] The deadline for reporting adjustments of the curriculums to the faculty for autumn 2025 is 1 March.