Eyes under pressure: exploring causes of ocular lesions in Atlantic halibut aquaculture 12:15-13.00 Rom K2, A-blokken, Biologen Evaluation committee Professor Sigurd Stefansson, Associate professor, Tom Ole Nilsen
Category: Ingen kategori
The Dean’s blog January 2025
Nytt kurs i undervisningsmetoder for undervisningsassistenter og gruppeledere [New course in teaching methods for teaching assistants and group leaders]
Bioteknologirådet. Frokostmøte i Bergen 5. februar: Jakten på superbakteriene
Tid: kl. 08.30 – 09.15 onsdag 5. februar Sted: Litteraturhuset i Bergen og strømming.
UiB: Funds for collaborative projects and professional meeting places within global societal challenges 2025
UiB Global Challenges has announced funds to stimulate cooperation across UiB’s faculties. Application deadline 1. March 2025. Please see this webpage for more info [Norwegian language]
Mon 16. Dec. Lunsj seminar at the University Museum
Genomic tools enable a deeper understanding of nudibranch evolution 12.00-12.30 Lunch room, Department of Natural History, University Museum, Realfagbygget, Allégaten 41, 1st floor
Thu 10. Oct. Kunnskapseplet: Navigating uncertainty: using blind predictions to improve hydrogen risk assessment
Welcome to Kunnskapseplet – popular science talks in the Science and Technology Library Thursday 10th of October at 14:15! PhD candidate Efthymia Derempouka will talk about her project in the talk “Navigating uncertainty: using blind predictions to improve hydrogen risk…
User time on research facilities at BIO and within the operating agreement UiB/ILAB during fall semester 2024. APPLICATION DEADLINE AUGUST 20th
Applications must be submitted to the respective responsible persons by 20 August. Application form: https://mitt.uib.no/files/6112380/download?download_frd=1 Having problems downloading the form? Log in to MittUiB ( https://mitt.uib.no/login/canvas ) and then try again.
Election of representatives from group B (temporarily employed scientific staff) and D (students) – results
The election of department council representatives from these two groups is now finalized with the following result:
‘Shark Summer’ event for youths (15-19y) at Frekhaug June 8 and 9
Do you know a teenager (approx. 15-19 years old) who is interested in sharks and other cool aquatic animals? A colleague and I organize a free ‘Shark Summer’ event on 8 and 9 June at Frekhaug outside Bergen (participation only…
The Animal Protection Alliance’s (Dyrevernalliansen) research fund announces funds
[Our translation. Received info and website in Norwegian language only] Your researchers and students are most welcome to apply for funding. In 2024, up to NOK 1,250,000 will be awarded. The application deadline is 20 September 2024. Read more: https://dyrevern.no/dyrevern/sok-midler-fra-dyrevernalliansens-forskningsfond/