Editorial – 24.01.2025

Foto: Eivind Senneset

Tekna, the trade union for natural scientists, technologists, and students, recently organized, in collaboration with the Fish Health group at BIO, a meeting on the  education program in fish health. There was strong participation from the industry at the meeting, where the main topic was the role workplace practice should play during the education of fish health biologists. The requirements for newly educated fish health biologists entering the workforce are high, and many find it challenging to take on significant responsibilities, both in terms of fish welfare and economic values. The discussions at the meeting clearly highlighted that, to provide education that aligns with industry needs, increased use of workplace internships appears to be an important tool. This requires careful planning by both the educational program and the industry regarding the content requirements for the internship periods and how these new elements can be integrated into the curriculum.

It was highly inspiring and motivating to participate in the discussion. Open dialogue with future employers is crucial, both for the fish health program and our other study tracks. Such meeting points helps to ensure that the education we offer at BIO remains up-to-date and relevant, which again helps keeping a strong recruitment into our study programs.

This spring, rector elections will be held at UiB, and it was big news for BIO that one of our own professors, Lise Øvreås, announced her candidacy. We were already aware that another professor from BIO, Sigrunn Eliassen, is a candidate for vice-rector for education as part of Margaret Hagen’s rector team. It will be very exciting to see how the platforms for both rector teams will shape up for the next period. I wish both teams the best of luck in the lead-up to the election!

A reminder that for applications to the Research Council’s deadline on March 5, the internal deadline to register applications from BIO is January 31. You can find more information here: https://bionytt.w.uib.no/2025/01/17/intern-frist-og-rutiner-for-soknader-til-forskningsradets-soknadsfrist-i-mars-2025/

BIO is, as often said, a large department, and I have always thought it is important to have an engaged and competent deputy head as part of the department’s leadership. I am therefore very pleased that Katja Enberg has agreed to take on this role! I look forward to working with Katja to lead BIO forward, especially regarding important strategic decisions ahead of us in research and teaching. Katja has extensive experience in both the university and institute sectors, which will be highly beneficial for her new responsibilities. I am also happy to inform you that Mikko Heino will take over as the new subject group leader for Fisheries and Marine Biology after Katja. Many thanks to Mikko for stepping up and taking responsibility for such an important role for BIO and for the teaching of Fisheries and Marine Biology. I am confident that this will be very positive for the group! Both changes will take effect from February 1.

Have a great weekend!
