IRISCC Call for Peer Reviewers

Dear all,

As communications contact points for the partners in the IRISCC consortium, we kindly ask for your support in promoting the Call for Expression of Interest to Volunteer as a Peer Reviewer for the IRISCC Transnational Access. We would greatly appreciate it if you could help spread the word (on your website, social media, and newsletters) and encourage experts in your network to apply. This opportunity will help strengthen the fair merit review process for our Transnational Access proposals.

Further details and the application form can be found on the IRISCC website IRISCC Call for Peer Reviewers 




Thank you for your help!


Best wishes,




Magdalena Brus | Communications Lead | EGI Foundation | +358 (0)504 154 762 | Skype: magdalena.brus | Twitter: @magdalenabrus


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