If you are applying to the NFR call for Researcher Project for Young Talents (FRIPRO) on 15 March, register your proposal by 14 February.
Author: sjoukjek
Publication fund for Open Access
Researchers from UoB can apply for funding to cover Article Processing Charges (APC) to publish Open Access.
Trond Mohn Foundation and the UIB jointly announce a Research Program for Translational Research in Epidemiology
This content is only available in Norwegian (below) More information in English is available here: Utlysningsteksten TRACE.pdf (uib.no)
Horizon Europe Infor Day – Cluster 6 2023 Calls: Save the date
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NFR Applicant Webinars for EU Mission: A Soil Deal for Europe
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Call: State-of-the-art Review – Hazardous Substances in Plastics
Application deadline: 16.11.2022 Funding scale: 2 250 000 NOK Amount of funding presumed available for this call for proposals: up to 2 250 000 NOK Project duration: 12 months
Call: Research for the Norwegian Food Safety Authority
Research organizations can apply for 4-8 million for projects that can acquire more knowledge about user behavior in connection with animal health and animal welfare.
SEAS Open Day
Meet UiBs first group of SEAS fellows
Over 30 free Horizon Europe courses
NFR offers a course portfolio which includes an introductory course to Horizon Europe, a strategy development course, a course in how to devise good project proposals, a course in project management and financial aspects, and courses in special topics such…
Momentum – career development programme for early stage researchers
Momentum is UiB’s flagship development programme for early stage researchers – postdocs, forsker or førsteamanuensis – who wish to pursue an academic career at a research university.