High-Fidelity biomolecular modelling When: 9.15-10.00 Where: Rom 439C1 (Inkubatoren), 4et, TM55 MolBIO seminar calendar fall 2023
Category: Calendar
Wed 4. Oct. PhD mid-term presentation, Hanna Böpple
From aquaculture sludge to microalgae – value chain assessment When: 12.00-12.45 Where: K1/K2 Biologen, A-blokken
Wed 4. Oct, guest lecture: Temperature and fish body sizes: many issues still remain
Who: Asta Audzijonyte, Nature Research Centre, Vilnius and University of Tasmania When: 10.15 Where: Stort auditorium, TM55 Asta is a researcher at the Nature Research Centre in Vilnius, Lithuania, and at University of Tasmania, Australia. https://discover.utas.edu.au/asta.audzijonyte
Thu 5. Oct, guest lecture. Key to ocean sustainability: Not everything not everywhere not all at once
Who: U. Rashid Sumaila, University of British Columbia When: 10.15-12.00 Where: Stort auditorium, TM55 Talk from U. Rashid Sumaila on Ocean sustainability. Rashid is Professor and Canada Research Chair in Interdisciplinary Ocean and Fisheries Economics at the Institute for the…
Department council meeting Thursday September 28
Please be informed that the Department council will meet Thursday 28. september fra 0930-1130, at Store Puddefjorden, 5. et, TM53B The council meetings are open to anyone interested.
Wed 20 Sep. Master’s presentation, Emily Marie Christiansen
Studies of retinoid X receptors (Rxr) and the Rxr-signaling pathway in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) using immunochemical and ex vivo approaches When: 10.00-10.30 Where: Inkubatoren (room 439C1), 4th floor Bioblokken, TM55
Fri 22. Sep. Master’s presentation, Lisa Hagevik
The effect of aerobic training on immune response in post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) when infected by salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) in small-scale close containment system When: 12.15-13.45 Where: Knekken, 3. et, Bioblokken, TM55
Fri 22. Sep. PhD defense, Peng Yin
Decoding Springtime Oxidation in Postsmolt Atlantic Salmon: Implications for Redox Signaling and Growth Tid: 10.30-12.30 Sted: Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret eller Zoom webinar: http://tinyurl.com/4ynwf6yn
Tue 26. Sep. Master’s presentation, Margrethe Øen
Morphometric Relationships as Indicators of Sexual Maturation in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) When: 13.15-13.45 Where: Knekken, 3. et, Bioblokken, TM55
Thu 28 Sep. Master’s presentation, Annette Enoksen
Smitteforsøk med Lepeophtheirus salmonis på Oncorhynchus gorbuscha og Salmo salar When: 10.15 Where: Seminar room K3, 1. et Biologen, B-blokken