
Melanie Burford, Silvereye Pictures

This week there has been a presentation of topics for master’s theses for students who will start their master’s in the fall. There was a good turnout and good engagement from both staff and students. It will be exciting with the transition to not having study areas for the master’s in biology, but I hope that this will not have a major impact on the individual student.

At the MolBio seminar this week, Jan-Inge Bjune from the Hormone Laboratory gave an exciting lecture. The seminars are held by both internal and external speakers, and they are open to everyone at Bio. Send an email to Sandra Ninzima if you want to be on the mailing list and get information about these seminars. They are Tuesdays at 09.15 in the seminar room “Inkubatoren” (4th floor, HiB).

For those interested in aquaculture and the aquaculture industry, there has been a “Fresh Fish” conference in Tromsø this week, and the Fish Health Report for 2024 was launched on Tuesday.

Otherwise, I wish everyone a nice weekend – hopefully in nice spring weather.

Hilsen Gyri


Gyri Teien Haugland

head of the Molecular Biology faggruppe