Greetings from the Department – 23.08.2024

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Dear colleagues,

I hope you all had a nice and relaxing summer holiday,  and that getting back to work again after the holidays is going well.

Although it’s been a wonderful holiday, it’s nice to get back to routines again. Now, however, we start the semester with something that doesn’t happen every year. On the first of September, Ståle starts as the new head of department and takes over the lead from Ørjan, who has been leading us for eight years. Ørjan, thank you very much for all your good and hard work for the department. It has been a great pleasure to work with you, and although we have gone through ups and downs and major changes, it has always been a pleasure to come to the office and work as a team with you. We will miss you a lot. At the same time, we are also looking forward to Ståle starting in the position and making himself known and putting his own stamp on the position. Ståle, a warm welcome to you, myself and the rest of the administration are looking forward to getting to know you.

In the future, we will all have the opportunity to both thank Ørjan and welcome Ståle.

I hope that as many people as possible will join the celebration for Ørjan on Friday 30 August. There will first be a cake and celebration here at the building, and then pizza will be served in Integrerbar straight after work. I hope to see you there. Sign up at the following link:

Already the week after, on Tuesday 02 September, Ståle invites everyone who wants to a meet and greet at his office. Stop by, say hello, have a cup of coffee and have a chat. Ståle sends out an invitation to everyone at BIO in the coming week. We are also organizing a general meeting on Friday 13 September, so that as many people as possible can be introduced to our new head of department. Invitation to the general meeting will come soon.

I look forward to an exciting autumn, and hope to see you at the upcoming meeting points.


Best regards, Julie