Service ventilasjon Thormøhlensgt 53 A/B uke 25

Foto/ill: Colourbox

Dear all,


In connection with the annual service / filter change on the ventilation systems in Thormøhlensgt. 53 A / B, the following facilities will be affected in week 25.

On Monday 19/6 in the period from 07:00 – 14:30 the laboratory ventilation in building B will be affected.

Plant (“anlegg”) 36.11 will be closed and parts of each floor will be affected (Affected extractor hoods are marked with plant no. (“anleggsnr”) 36.11, we mark closed cabinets).

Facility 36.12 will be closed and parts of each floor will be affected (Affected extractor hoods are marked with facility no. 36.12, we mark closed cabinets).



On Tuesday 20/6 in the period from 07:00 – 14:30 the laboratory ventilation in building A will be affected.

Facility 36.14 will be closed and parts of each floor will be affected (Affected extractor hoods are marked with facility no. 36.14, we mark closed cabinets).

Facility 36.15 will be closed and parts of each floor will be affected (Affected extractor hoods are marked with facility no. 36.15, we mark closed cabinets).


For questions please contact the operations office service phone 55 58 93 93




Bjørn Morten Bjørsvik


Mob. +47 93012636
