Shut down of laboratory ventilation air supply in Thormøhlensgt 55 during annual service – week 25

Foto/ill: Colourbox

The air supply for the laboratory ventilation will be shut down during the annual service / filter change on the ventilation systems in Thormøhlensgt.55 Bioblokk

Air supply will be shut down Wednesday 21/6 between 08.00 and 13.00 from “knekken” and northwards

Air supply will be shut down Thursday 22/6 in the period between 08.00 and 13.00 from “knekken” and southwards


During this period, the plant must be considered switched off.

Questions can be directed to the operations service phone 55 58 93 93

Bjørn Morten Bjørsvik


Mob. +47 93012636
