Greetings from the Department – 30.08.2024

Instituttleder Ørjan Totland. Foto: Eivind Senneset, UiB

Dear all,

After eight years as head of department at UiB’s largest and best department, I now say thank you. The role of head of department at BIO is a condition that has characterized life every day these eight years. Of course, it is good to let go of this all-consuming condition, but I still have a very clear experience that it has been eight good years, which I would never have been without. The reason for that is of course that it is demanding and challenging to lead such a large and academically complex institute. But the most important thing is all of you who make up BIO. I have experienced a wonderful enthusiasm for our scientific fields and a wonderful commitment to how you want BIO to be. It’s really motivating to be part of such a community.

I am very happy that I will continue to be part of that community, but now in a different role; as a colleague, teacher, supervisor, researcher and one of those who professionally contribute to BIO continuing to be a department with a particularly important role in society, as a provider of knowledge about how nature works and what it means. I hope that I can be useful in my new role.

Many thanks to all of you because being head of department at BIO has not always been a walk in the park, but still something I would never do without. I have to single out a few in particular. Many thanks to Julie and the rest of the administration for being absolutely indispensable supporters. I will truly miss the fellowship we have had. You are a wonderful bunch. Many thanks to current and former subject group leaders for the effort you have put in, far beyond what can be expected, in a challenging time for BIO and our scientific fields. Many thanks to the dean’s office and the faculty administration, with Gunn at the head, for all the support and encouragement when the challenges have arisen and for setting important boundaries when it has been necessary. Many thanks to my department head colleagues at the faculty. I have learned a lot from you and experienced a lot of support and a unique community.

I wish Ståle, our new head of department, the best of luck. I hope he finds it as fun, challenging and stimulating as I do. I know he is looking forward to it and that he has what it takes to lead BIO forward and upwards.

At the time of writing, I am on a field course with some wonderful students who are eager to learn about species, ecology and nature. It is very rewarding to be with them. They give me energy and I hope they get some energy from me. That’s what it’s all about; that together we play each other well. We are good at that at BIO. Let’s get on with it.

I wish you all a nice weekend.

Hilsen Ørjan