New member of Staff – Thi Hong Gam Le

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My name is Gam Le. I’m currently a post-doc on Nephrocalcinosis project, BIO, UiB about understanding kidney functions under and environmental changes related to the formation of kidney stones and unlocking the key to dietary interventions in trout and Atlantic salmon under supervision of Associate Professor Tom Ole Nilsen. I achieved my PhD in Aquaculture since 2019 in collaboration with Aarhus University, Denmark and Can Tho University, Viet Nam. My background is Fish Physiology and Aquaculture, typically acid-base regulation, osmoregulation, gas exchange, hematology, environmental toxicology using skills related to fish anesthesia, surgery, and arterial and venous system cannulation for blood, urine and tissue samplings.  I finished my first post-doc at University of British Columbia, Canada 2020-2024 about optimizing growth of Atlantic salmon in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) to increase the size of smolts prior to seawater transfer.

I’m very happy to be part of my current project about formation of kidney stones in salmonids. It is very exciting to have new findings in upcoming experiments at both commercial farming facilities and the laboratory conditions.

Nice to work at UiB and see you all around BIO!