Dear colleagues, As we approach the end of 2024, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the year that has passed.
Month: December 2024
Kristine (project student) and Tobias (bachelor’s student) with early research careers
Tobias Trognitz has a Bsc in computer science and is currently a Bsc student in molecular biology. In parallel with his studies, he has engaged in research and continued to work on a project started by Kristine O. Rostad as…
Editorial – 12.12.2024
There aren’t many days left until we hopefully get to recharge over the Christmas holidays! These days, we at the study section are working a lot to conclude the year with the practicalities of completing exams and planning for the…
The dean’s blog
Oppsummering av 2024 [Our translation] 2024 has been another eventful year in our sector, with some major upheavals. Barely three weeks into the new year, the then Research and Higher Education Minister Sandra Borch resigned, and four days later Oddmund…
BIO establishes UiB’s first double-degree in cooperation with Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würtzburg, Germany
[Our translation] UiB is creating a new civil engineering program in Geophysics at GFI, and BIO is creating the university’s first double degree together with Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würtzburg, Germany.
Ugleprisen is awarded to BIO’s Poster Symposium
[Our translation] Institutt for biovitenskap ved Fakultet for naturvitenskap og teknologi vant Ugleprisen 2024. Tildelingen skjedde ved utdanningsutvalgets årlige studiekvalitetsseminar, fredag. – Fantastic and well deserved! This group has worked hard to give the students the opportunity to present their…
Testing of fire alarm bells at Thormøhlensgt 55 Tuesday 17. December
[Our translation] In relation to ongoing service work on the fire alarm system at Bioblokken and Datablokken, there will be a test of the FIRE ALARM BELLS between 7 and 8am Tuesday 17. December.
Event support 2025 – UiB Ocean
To all Ocean-engaged employees and students at UiB: Do you have ideas for events during the One Ocean Week 2025 (5-11 April)? Do you need financial support to organise an interdisciplinary, ocean related activity in 2025? If yes, find out…
Revision of the non-native species list – seeking experts
[Our translation] Work on a new revised list of non-native species starts now The species data bank (Artsdatabanken) is preparing the start of a new round of risk assessments and wants to give employees at your institution the opportunity to…
The Research Council: AGROECOLOGY partnership: 2. call is open
We hereby want to inform you that the 2nd call in the european partnership AGROECOLOGY is open with deadline for pre-proposals February 17th. Integrating environmental, economic and social perspectives in assessing the performance of agroecology. Value-chain and policy implications. Find…