HSE-info: Sikresiden.no and Speak Up!

UiB has a large collection of tools and guidelines related to health, environment and safety which can be found in the HSE-gateway

We would like to draw attention to two of these that may be relevant to all employees – Sikersiden.no and Speak up!

We also take the opportunity to remind you that BIO’s internal HSE guidelines are compiled in the department’s HSE handbook and Fire safety handbook.  You will find a link to both at the top of the newsletter, or you can find them under the tab “About the department” on our website www.uib.no/en/bio

Sikresiden.no – Kriseinfo på nett

sikresiden.no is a web app that gives you preventive information about security and help with what to do in a crisis situation. You must always assess for yourself what is best to do in a specific situation.


Speak up! | University of Bergen

Welcome to the Speak up! page of UiB. You can report if something is not working, if you experience unwanted events or if you see something that worries you. Click on the images above to report objectionable conditions, give feedback or find out more.