Senter for Bærekraftig areal- og naturbruk [Centers for sustainable land and nature use] – planned call and input meeting 12. February

  • 12. February: Digital input meeting:
  • March 2025: Opens for scetch applications
  • May 2025: Application deadline for scetch applications
  • June 2025: Feedback on scetch applications
  • 12. November 2025: Application deadline full applications

[Our translation]

The Centers for Sustainable Land and Nature Use will contribute to a concentrated and long-term investment at a high international level that strengthens research and innovation with a view to value creation and social benefit within the theme. The center scheme will contribute to making Norway better able to meet the challenges related to land and nature use.

The research in the center must be carried out by research organizations in binding cooperation with relevant actors in Norwegian business, administration and other social actors.