The journal Naturen is seeking an editorial member (biologist) and possibly an editor.

[Our translation/Google translate]

Professor emeritus at BIO, Arne Skorping, has announced that after 11 years in the service, he is stepping down as editor and editorial board member of the traditional journal Naturen. We thank Arne for his efforts!

We therefore need a new biologist/ecologist in our editorial board. We already have both a botanist (John-Arvid Grytnes) and a molecular biologist (Lisbeth Olsen), so we are primarily looking for someone with a complementary background to these two. One should primarily be employed as an associate professor or as a professor at BIO.

A new editor will probably be chosen by the editorial board when a new editorial board member is in place, so there may also be opportunities to start as an editor, if you wish.

Naturen is constantly increasing in digital article views, and next year we will celebrate our 150th anniversary. Our website is here:

If this sounds interesting, please contact editorial secretary Gunvar Mikkelsen (; mob. 996 22 830) as soon as possible.

Med vennlig hilsen

Gunvar Mikkelsen

Tidsskriftet Naturen | Redaksjonssekretær

Mob. 996 22 830