The Communication Divison and Faculty of Science and Technology recently published a website presenting the SFI-initiative Biobase, led by Ivar Rønnestad. The Biology Based Innovation Centre for Salmon Welfare and Survival (BioBase) initiative will investigate the biological constrains of Atlantic…
Author: mbika
UiB: Project establishment support for educational projects – EXTENDED DEADLINE 28. NOVEMBER
[Our translation] UiB is now announcing funding for the establishment of educational projects. Funding can be granted to groups/PIs that plan to apply for external funding as a coordinator in 2025. Interested groups/PIs can apply for up to NOK 50,000.…
Nordplus call 2025 is open for applications
[Our translation] The Nordic Council of Ministers’ education programme, Nordplus, invites Nordic and Baltic institutions and organizations involved in education and learning to apply for grants in the new application round.
The Fridtjof Nansen reward and the Nansen fund
[Our translation] Please see the attached information about the Fridtjof Nansen reward for outstanding research for 2025, which will be awarded in science and medicine, the Fridtjof Nansen reward for younger researchers is awarded in both science & medicine and…
REMINDER: Plastics network fall meeting 2024. Sign-up deadline SUN 17. NOV
The Plastics Network, in collaboration with the Norwegian Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (NSFT), Norwegian Institute for Water Research, and the Institute of Marine Research, are organizing the meeting “Microplastics and Human Health: Sources, Exposure, and Impact” on November 22nd…
Is artificial intelligence (AI) sustainable? Tue 19. Nov
The meeting is open to anyone interested, and starts 16.30 at Auditorium 1, Realfagbygget (base floor), Allegaten 41. Date: Tuesday 19. November 2024 Organizers: NTVA, Tekna Bergen og Academia Europaea Bergen.
Thu 21. Nov. PhD mid-term presentation, Eline Rentier
Spatiotemporal reconstructions and connectivity modelling of alpine biomes during the late Quaternary 14.15-15.00 Seminar room K1, A-block, Biologen (TM53A)
Mon 25. Nov. PhD mid-term presentation, Mariana Vaz
Role of methionine in fish immune defences agains viral and parasite infection 10.15-11.00 Zoom webinar:
FEBS 60th Anniversary Symposium ved BBB Wednesday 27/11
Dear colleagues, On Wednesday 27th of November (from 08.30 to 14.00) NBS Bergen in collaboration with BBRS is organizing a minisymposium on the 3rd floor of BBB to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Federation of Biochemical Societies (FEBS).
NT faculty – Save the Date: “From Research to Academic Startup” Workshop Dec 12th
Theme: From Research to Academic Startup Organizer: VIS TILT – Academic Entrepreneurship Date: Thursday, December 12th, 9:00 – 12:00 Location: Realfagsbygget, 1. floor, Aktivt rom 4 (1C4f) ( ) Audience: Open to all, with a special focus on PhD students,…