Category: NatTek news

Here you will find information and news from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MatNat).

Consultation: Change to the Faculty’s name

The dean’s office at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has initiated a process to consider a possible change to the faculty’s name. The case has now been sent for consultation to all the faculty’s departments, the Michael Sars…

From sailing expedition to research paper

“Teaching sustainability at the high sea: the “One Ocean Expedition”” has now been published in the renowned journal Sustainability Science. The article shares experiences from the UiB summer course “SDG 200 Ocean-Climate-Society” on the voyage’s first leg across the Pacific…

Invitation to nominate candidates for the MatNat faculty’s HSE-prize 2023

MatNat invites their Departments to propose candidates for the HSE-prize for 2023 [Norwegian language)] Do you know a local project, person or group who would make a good candidate?  If so, please send your proposal to no later…