The 1st EMB Early Career Ocean Professional (ECOP) Network Forum will be held on 8-9 October 2023 at the Cidade da Cultura in Santiago de Compostela, Spain with the generous support of IIM-CSIC.
Category: Calendar
Tue 28. Mar. MolBio seminar, Benjamin Lerstad
The regulatory networks and function of the transcription factor Rx in Nematostella vectensis 9.15-10.00 Rom 439C1, Inkubatoren, 4. et, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Tor 30. Mar. PhD. mid-term presentation Ruben Javier-Lopez
Thermophilic break-down of feather keratin 10.15-11.00 Rom 439C1, Inkubatoren, 4 et. Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Invitation to online lab breakfast on March 29: Universal design of digital tools
Pint of Science Norway, #pint23. Call for speakers – extended deadline
Fri 24. Mar. Master’s presentation Mia Kristin Sandnes Nilsen
A Structural and Functional Study of Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan-4 (CSPG4/NG2) 10.00-10.30 Digital: Contact for link
Blue Deal Debate, Safeguarding the Seas: 27 March 2023
Click here to register The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is delighted to invite you to “Safeguarding the Seas: Ending overfishing on the high seas”, part of the Blue Deal Debate series, hosted by Chris Davies, the former chair of the…
Tue 14. Mar. PhD trial lecture and defense, Anja Møgelvang
9.00-9.45 Trial lecture: How can we help our colleagues in STEM use active learning. 11.00-14.00 Disputation: Cooperative Learning in Undergraduate STEM Education: Applications and Outcomes Auditoriet, VilVite, Thormøhlens gt 51
Tue 14. Mar. Welcome to the Announcement of the 2023 Holberg Prize and Nils Klim Prize
The Holberg Prize has the pleasure of inviting you to the Announcement of this year’s Laureates. Date: Tuesday, 14 March, 2023, 09.00 – 10.00 Venue: The University Aula in Bergen
Wed 15. Mar. PhD mid-term presentation, Mats Bøgwald
Protist parasites of Norwegian mussles (Mytilus spp.) with emphasis on Marteilia sp.) 10.15-11.00 Room K3/K4, Biologen, A-blokken