13:15-14:00 Seminarrom K4, Blokk B, Biologen Seminaret er en del av midtveisevalueringen av Gopikas doktorgradsprosjekt. See further details in the calendar entry
Category: Research training
21. Oct. Midt-term seminar, Alexius Folk: Agents of natural selection in Lepeophtheirus salmonis
13:15 – 14:00 Seminar room K4, Blokk B, Biologen The seminar is part of the mandatory mid-term evaluation of the PhD project. See further details in the calendar entry
PhD course “Access to Safe Water and Water for Production” Nov 28 – Dec 9 2022
Dear PhD student, We would like to invite you to take a look at the PhD course “Access to Safe Water and Water for Production”, which will run in Bergen from 28 November to 9 December 2022. Read more about the course here.
Fri 14. Oct, UiB seminar: Make your research visible using researcher profiles
This seminar will demonstrate how to use ORCID and other researcher profiles to showcase your work. 10.00 – 10.45 Zoom (you will receive the link after signing up) Register here (registration deadline: 13. oktober)
Arctic Frontiers 2023 – Emerging Leaders 2023
Norwegian language Emerging Leaders er et mentorprogram i forbindelse med de årlige Arctic Frontiers-konferansene i Tromsø. Mentorprogrammet starter i Bodø og deltakerne reiser med Hurtigruten til Tromsø hvor programmet avsluttes med deltakelse på Arctic Frontiers 2023.
Two Young CAS Fellowships available at Senter for grunnforskning (CAS)
Are you a young researcher looking for a unique opportunity to grow your professional network and develop your research?
Tuesday 27. September. PhD-defense, Ferenc Tibor Kagan
Maternal gene evolution from a comparative perspective 9.15 Digital: https://tinyurl.com/bddcxj9x Press release (Norwegian language)
Friday 30. September. UiBdoc – Young Researchers’ Night/Bergen
Time: Friday, September 30th at 7pm Place: Nordnesgaten 50, Bergen
Scientific Computing Training events in autumn 2022
Hi, The scientific computing group at UiB IT department is collaborating nationally and internationally to provide training on practical scientific computing related topics.
Newsletter September UiB Ferd
In the September newsletter from UiB Ferd, you can read about Upcoming activities Funding opportunities and other relevant events The University Library (UB) offer hands-on research support webinars Individual Career Guidance Read the newsletter