BIO have our own sequencing facility for Sanger-sequencing. This is now placed in the 2nd floor of “Biologen” A-block – in the corridor parralell to the administration:¢er=5.332266,60.380696&zoom=18&campusid=340&sharepoitype=poi&sharepoi=1000723342
Category: Technical info
Plass på forskningsinstallasjoner ved BIO, Marineholmen RAS Lab og innenfor driftsavtalen UiB/ILAB vårsemesteret 2023
Norwegian language Søknadene må være de respektive ansvarlige i hende innen 20. januar. Søknadsskjema:
The BIO reception is closed as of 24 December. Open as usual from Monday 2 January. Delivery of packages to the reception area is possible the 27th, 28th,29, 30th December. Each research group must themselves make sure any freeze /…
Maintenence on the elevators in “Bioblokken” – Thormøhlensgate 55, starting Nov 21st
Necessary upgrades and maintenance on the elevators in “Bioblokken” / Thormøhlensgate 55 will take place starting November 21st. One of the elevators will be open will work is in progress in the other. Each elevator will be closed for a…
Deadlines for sending mail during Christmas 2022
If you are planning to send Christmas presents abroad, it may be a good idea to check the deadlines. For mail within Norway 19. December is recommended, for packages you should expect a 1-2 day delay compared to standard for…
Measures to reduce energy usage at UiB
Letter from the University concerning measures to reduce energy usage and cost (Norwegian language)
Plass på forskningsinstallasjoner ved BIO, Marineholmen RASLab og innenfor driftsavtalen UiB/ILAB høstsemesteret 2022
Norwegian language only Søknadene må være de respektive ansvarlige i hende innen 20. august.øknadsskjema: Alle som arbeider med forsøksdyr skal ha godkjent kurs i forsøksdyrlære, dette gjelder også masterstudenter. Planlagte kurs for forskere, teknikere og masterstudenter finner du her:…
Informasjonsmøter om bruk av Marine Facilities Planning (MFP) – nytt system for toktsøknader
Only available in Norwegian language Det nye toktsystemet Marine Facilities Planning (MFP) åpnes for innlegging av toktsøknader 1 juni.