Sign up for the MatNat Learning Day for technical staff 2024

Foto/ill: Eivind Senneset

We are happy to announce that the web page for our Learning Day for technical staff 2024 is online, in Norwegian: Læringsdag for teknisk ansatte 22. februar 2024 | Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet | UiB

Here you can check out the program and find the link to the skjemaker form for signing up.

The form is open for registration, so sign up now (you choose which courses you want to attend in the form): Læringsdag torsdag 22. februar 2024 – Page 1 of 4 (

Please save the receipt you’ll get to your e-mail, to make it easier to remember what you signed up for.


The registration deadline is 20 January 2024, there will be reminders when it’s approaching. The links to the web page and the registration form will also be made available in the calendar invitation.


We are really looking forward to an educational and social day!



All best from us in the committee for the Learning day for technical staff in 2024

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