Hey guys
I hope all of you have enjoyed a lovely summer and are ready for the fall soon approaching Bergen!
As some of you may know, UiB is offering a psychological support service to the about 1500 Ph.D. candidates and Young Scientists working here. This is an offer that has been under development the last year and we at bedriftshelsetjenesten have created group interventions in order to reach as many as possible. So far, we have two main types of offers: Lectures on psychological processes and supervision groups.
Our lectures are on a wide range of relevant topics from common psychological processes, mental health to meditation. We know that when life is rough, it is easier to cope when we know why we are having the experiences we have. Whether it is forgetting things we normally remember, believing that we are not good enough or anything else of the wide varieties of mental phenomenon’s that can occur. We hope that these lectures can be interesting and helpful. There will be published lectures on the uib-calendar throughout the semester.
To make this information more available we have also created videos that you will find on our dedicated site on MittUib [N.B. You need to be logged in to MittUiB to be able to access the site content]. We hope that our site on MittUib can be an information bank that you can use when you have time and need.
We also offer psychological supervision groups. In these small groups we work with issues from our work, whether it is emotional or concrete. The feedback we have gotten so far has been very positive. We are starting up four more of these groups in September and October and hope to be able to start more groups on regular basis. You can find sign up for psychological supervision groups in MittUib.
Lastly, if you have an established group who meets regularly and would like me to come and have a talk with you about psychological topics or similar feel free to contact me andreas.schei@uib.no .
MittUib link: https://mitt.uib.no/courses/38478
I hope you are having a rocking day and I wish you all the best,