HSE-Round 2022

Foto/illustrasjon: UiB

This year we will split the HSE-round in two. We start with the laboratories located in A-building and BO-building. For the B-building we will wait until the moving process is completed. We hope to finish the HSE-round for the B-building during December/January.

We appreciate if you can answer the questionnaire for the laboratories.

Deadline for replay Thursday 20th of October.

2022 HMS-kartlegging laboratorier / HSE questionnare laboratories (uib.no)

There will be separate HSE-round for offices when the moving process is completed.

There will not be a separate “cleaning up day” after the HSE-round this year. Please use the waste system that already exist at our facilities. For electrical waste, use the common cages placed in the main entrance by T53 building and in the Bio-blokken (“knekken” 1st.floor).

Tentative schedule, from 09.00-12.00  

25/11-22: Bio-building 5th and 4thfloor.

4/11-22: Bio-building, 3. floor

7/11-22: Bio-building 1.floor and A-building 1 og 2.floor.

8/11-22: A-building 3 and 4.floor.


Med vennlig hilsen

Ann Kristin