Deadlines for sending mail during Christmas 2022

If you are planning to send Christmas presents abroad, it may be a good idea to check the deadlines.  For mail within Norway 19. December is recommended, for packages you should expect a 1-2 day delay compared to standard for mail sent later than 21.12.2022.

To be sure that your Christmas letters and packages arrive before Christmas, we recommend that you send your mail before the dates specified for each individual country.

These are the deadlines:

Sweden and Denmark – 14. December, Other nordic countries – 10. December
Germany – 13. December, Rest of Europe – 8. December
USA and Canada – 6. December Other countries outside of Europe – 1. December

Here are the deadlines for Christmas packages (Norwegian language)


Have a splendid day


With kind regards,

Knut-Egil Larsen

UIB / Transport og Parkseksjonen

Tlf kontor : 55 58 20 71

Mobiltlf   : 905 04 899