Maintenence on the elevators in “Bioblokken” – Thormøhlensgate 55, starting Nov 21st

Foto/ill.: Colourbox

Necessary upgrades and maintenance on the elevators in “Bioblokken” / Thormøhlensgate 55 will take place starting November 21st.  One of the elevators will be open will work is in progress in the other. Each elevator will be closed for a period of 4-5 weeks during this work.Work will start on one of the main elevators in the foyer starting November 21st.  Then work will commence on the other after New year.  The work on the third “cargo” elevator in the south end of the building will start in January/February 2023 (we will send a notification ahead of start-up).

UiB Drift is coordinating the work which is performed by TK Elevator Norway AS.


For Sameiet Thormøhlensgate 55

Simen Sætersdal
Daglig leder
Universitetet i Bergen Eiendom AS
Nygårdshøyden Eiendom AS
Magør Eiendom AS
Tlf: +47 93431988