14.15-15.00 Mathematics and Natural Sciences Library, Realfagsbygget
Month: March 2023
Fri 17. Mar. PhD mid-term presentation, Endre Lygre
Developing a feeding protocol for grow-out Atlantic halibut based on growth, physicaological resonses to feeding frequensis 9.15-10.00 Room 439C1 (the Inkubator), 4et, Høyteknologisenteret, Bioblokken
Joint research-day for Helse Bergen and UiB March 17th. N.B. SIGN UP TODAY, MARCH 10TH
Welcome to the joint research day for Health Bergen and the University of Bergen! The University of Bergen and Health Bergen invite you to a half-day seminar to stimulate increased research collaboration between the institutions. There will be mingling, lunch…
Collaborative Software Development School 19th-30th of June 2023
Are you an early career researcher in the Humanities and Social Sciences [the summer school is open to students from all diciplines] who want to use digital methods but not sure how to get started? This course is targeted at…