Do you know how to put your own competences into words? And is “career” more than just the dream job? On April 13, future biologists and molecular biologists worked on these questions during a career-learning workshop organized by the BIO…
Month: April 2023
REMINDER: Are you thinking about hosting a trainee or guest student ? N.B. Upcoming deadline April 25!
PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for the BIO to send information about the applicant to the Faculty: For traineeships/stays in the FALL semester (August – December): APRIL 25
Call for SPIRE (Strategic Programme for International Research and Education) funds for 2023
The call for SPIRE funds (Strategic program for international research collaboration) has now been published with an application deadline of 26 May 2023.
DIGSSCORE – Call for Research Unit Proposals
The University of Bergen established the Norwegian Citizen Panel (NCP) 10 years ago, in 2013. Since the inception, the Digital Social Science Core Facility, DIGSSCORE, has supported 4-6 thematic research units who have organized most of the data collection in…
Mon 24. Apr. PhD trial-lecture and disputation, Jarrod Cusens
Trial lecture Transformative change toward sustainability: Concepts and pathways 11.30-12.15 Room K3/K4, Blokk B, Biologen / Zoom webinar: Disputation Mapping the connections: an integrated approach to mapping nature’s contributions to people in a Nordic biosphere 14.15-17.00 Lille auditorium,…
Tue 25. Apr. MolBio seminar, Endre Lygre
Exploring central and peripheral appetite-regulating peptides in the brain and gastrointestinal tract in grow-out Atlantic halibut 09.15–10.00 Room 439C1 (the Incubator), 4th floor, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Thu 27. Apr. First plastic lunch seminar with Farhan R. Khan
Environmental presence and toxicological effects of microplastic pollution: Recognising and filling knowledge gaps 11.00–12.00 Store Puddefjorden, Thormøhlens gate 53B, 5. etasje (5G01) Read abstract and more info about the presenter here (Norwegian language)
Thu 27. Apr. BIO Sustainability Team meeting
16.00–17.00 Store Puddefjorden, Thormølensgate 53B, 5. et
Rådet for dyreetikk – Uttalelse om skadedyr
Norwegian language Dette er et utdrag av Rådets vurdering. Her kan du laste ned og lese hele uttalelsen om skadedyr.
Greetings from the Department 14.04.2023
Dear all, Welcome back after a hopefully good Easter holiday. I hope you have recharged your batteries for the spring activities. Now the OneOcean Week starts with a multitude of exciting activities and offers aimed at sustainable oceans. BIO and…