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Month: April 2023
A NORPART call with application deadline in September 2023 is to be announced in May
Norwegian language HK-Dir informerer til institusjonane at det er planlagt ei utlysing av NORPART-programmet i løpet av mai månad med søknadsfrist i september 2023.
UiB seeks evaluator for the UiB idé vurderingskomite
We’re looking for a suitable candidate in a researcher position who could act as evaluator for the UiB idé vurderingskomité. The committee includes representants from private and public sectors, as well as one internal person from UiB.
Interested in a summer job at UiB’s Estate and Facilities Management division?
Are you or anyone you know, interested in an exiting summer job at UiB this summer? The Estate and Facilities Management division are looking for 4 substitutes for the summer Application deadline: 7. mai. Read more and send your application…
Fri 14th – Thur 20th April: One Ocean Week
The University of Bergen was the first partner to board the One Ocean Expedition. During tall ship Statsraad Lehmkuhl’s circumavigation of Earth from August 2021 to April 2023, the university has been the main actor on deck. With Statsraad Lehmkuhl’s…
Mon 17. Apr. PhD trial lecture and defense – Marius Ole Johansen
9.15-10.00 – Prøveforelesning: Study motivation and turnover intentions: Implications for students and universities Rom K1/K2, Biologen, blokk B 12.15-14.30 – Disputas: Effects of autonomy and control on student motivation and functioning in higher education Stort auditorium, Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Tue Apr 18. bioCEED seminar(s)
12.30-13.30 Seminarrom 217-218, Bjørn Christiansens hus, Christiesgate 12 Halgeir Halvari: Motivation and organizational behavior. Lennia Matos: Studying the role of basic psychological needs and which needs matter for well-being
Tue 14. Apr. MolBio seminar, Endre Lygre
Exploring central and peripheral appetite-regulating peptides in the brain and gastrointestinal tract in grow-out Atlantic halibut 9.15-10.00 Rom 439C1 (N-terminalen), 4. et, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Wed 19. Apr. Sustainability education. What is it, and do we need it?
Norwegian language Tid og sted: Christie Kafe (universitetsaulaen), onsdag 19. april klokken 19-20:30. Gratis. Les mer
Thu 20th Apr, Horizon lecture
Seabed Mining & biodiversity conservation 15.45-16.16 – Light refreshments 16.15-17.45 – Lecture Egget, Studentsenteret