During week 25, between Monday 19th and Friday 23rd of June, Caverion will perform the yearly inspection of the fume cupboards at Thormøhlensgt. 53 A / B. In cooperation with Caverion, the cupboards need to be emptied. Caverion will be…
Month: June 2023
DIGI (Digital forståelse, kunnskap og kompetanse) course package for staff
Norwegian language Universitetet i Bergen er først ut i Norge, og er unik i europeisk sammenheng, med emnepakken DIGI (Digital forståelse, kunnskap og kompetanse) som ble lansert høsten 2022. Pakken inneholder åtte 2,5 studiepoenggivende emner i digital forståelse, kunnskap og…
Mon 5. Jun. Master’s presentation, Lars-Kristian Opheim
Feed phosphorus regimes and the effectiveness of a novel phytase on mineralization and bone health in Atlantic salmon pre- and post-smolt 13.15-13.45 Seminar room K2, Biologen, A-blokken
Thu 8. Jun. Master’s presentation, Oda Vik Fløtre
Exploring hnf1ba knockout zebrafish mutant as a model for studying MODY5 disease mechanisms in early pancreas development 13.00-13.30 Zoom: contact Kjerstin.Nilsen@uib.no for link
Fri 9. Jun. Master’s presentations by Shinujah Sinnathurai, Anthon M. King and Åse Kristoffersen
Fri 9. Jun. PhD trial lecture, Sofie Søderstrøm
Assessment of human health risks from foodborne mycotoxins, regulations and surveillance 12.15-13.00 Seminar room K1/K2, Biologen, A-blokken
Fri 9. Jun. PhD defense, Paula Miramón-Puértolas
Mesenterial adult stem-like cells as a potential source of germinal and somatic lineages in a sea anemone 14.00-16.00 Stort auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret