Month: June 2023

Greetings from the department – 9.6.2023

Well, then only the last push is left before a well-deserved holiday is at the door for all of us. With a record number of master’s exams and many students on the various courses, there are still a few busy…

New role at BIO

Some of you know me from before as I have walked the hallways at BIO for a while. My name is Ragnhild Gya, and I finished my masters on plant ecology in 2017 which was a part of my teacher…

Four new excellent teaching practitioners (ETPs) from BIO!

BIO already has three ETPs (Excellent Teaching Practitioners) from before who are members of the pedagogical academy at the faculty. Yesterday, four new ones from BIO received this title. I congratulate Sehoya, Jorun, Anne and Vigdis on this prestigious appointment…


Norwegian language HK-Dir har lyst ut NORPART-programmet for perioden 2024-2028. For denne perioden vil det vere tilgjengeleg 145 millionar til partnarskapsprosjekt og 30 millionar til stipendiering av fullgradsstudentar på masternivå.

Marine Masters at the University Museum of Bergen

Hei, At the Department of Natural History, University Museum of Bergen, we have established a blog presenting our marine master’s projects which are available with us: should be of interest to BIO-students.