Dear friend of the Trond Mohn foundation!
We are pleased to be able to invite you to our annual celebration on Friday 1 December, 1-3pm.
At the anniversary celebration, we celebrate the collaboration with the University of Bergen, Health Bergen HF and our new partner UiT – the Arctic University of Norway.
The program includes the awarding of the TMS Starting Grant and a presentation of the Trond Mohn Foundation and the Tromsø Research Foundation’s research initiative in PET nuclear medicine, which includes three large projects in Tromsø, Bergen and Trondheim.
You can read the program for the event here.
The event is free, but due to catering we would like to know how many people are coming. Sign up here.
With best regards
Oddveig Åsheim
Trond Mohn Stiftelse
Ytrebygdsvegen 215
Postboks 7150
5020 Bergen
Telefon: 41 66 31 64