Call: North2North staff exchange. Internal deadline March 1st

[Our translation]

The UArctic network, of which UiB is a member, advertises funds for the exchange of staff between institutions participating in the mobility program north2north (n2n). Both academic and administrative staff can apply for support for exchange through n2n.
In addition, Norwegian institutions can seek support for incoming employees from North American and Scottish partner institutions – members of n2n.

See link to application form and information on rates below. Inbound employees fill in the same application form as outbound employees, and submit it to their Norwegian partner by 1 March 2024.

The employees who apply for n2n support are encouraged to make arrangements for their students’ semester stays while they are on exchange. Employee applications that contain a plan for further student exchange will be prioritized when distributing the n2n scholarships for 2024/25.

UiB must send a combined institutional application. All applications must therefore be received by the Division of Student and Academic Affairs by 1 March 2024. Applications should be sent by e-mail to


Vennlig hilsen

Nina Gry Stein

Sol Sneltvedt