New member of staff: Peter Groth Farsund

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My name is Peter. I am a PhD candidate at the FUNDER project led by Vigdis Vandvik and the Between the Fjords research group. I’m staying at UiO during the spring semester of 2024 to do initial lab work for my project, led by Håvard Kauserud and as part of the Oslo Mycology Group. I’m looking forward to making the move to Bergen in the summer.

I have a master’s degree in ecology and nature management from the University of South-Eastern Norway from 2022. My thesis was on a project owned and led by NINA, about using eDNA metabarcoding to identify source populations of alien plants and fungi being introduced to Norway with soils of ornamental plant imports. After graduation I worked as a data analyst at Bioner, a biotech company/soil lab working with soil microbiology and agricultural contexts. There I developed my interest in soil ecology, which formed my current research interests in soil food web diversity, functioning and dynamics, and implications for aboveground ecosystems. My PhD project revolves around just that, and I will study direct and indirect effects of climate on different members of the plant-soil food web, including bacteria and fungi, (micro)eukaryotes, and arthropods. This will help us understand and predict how soil ecosystems may respond to future climate change and potential feedback to the climate system.