Funds for collaborative projects and professional meeting places within global societal challenges 2024

[Our translation]

Global societal challenges (GSU) is one of three priority areas where UiB wants to utilize and develop the broad university’s unique opportunities for professional mobilization, deepening and collaboration across subject boundaries. GSU wants to stimulate professional meeting places and collaboration across the faculties and is advertising seed funding for the purpose. A minimum of two faculties must be involved in the collaboration and the activity should be linked to the themes highlighted for the period 2023-2025: democracy and human rights, global health, migration, diversity, resources.

Funds are allocated for meetings, seminars or travel. The activities that are supported must develop cross-faculty research projects and the projects should contain concrete plans for applications to external funding sources and further research collaboration. The announcement is aimed at academic staff at postdoc, researcher, associate professor and professor level with a principal position at UiB. Applicants early in their career are encouraged to apply.

Total framework for the 2024 call NOK 400,000. A maximum of NOK 100,000 is allocated per project. The funds must be used by the end of 2025. Feedback on the work must be submitted at the end of the activity in a separate form.

A digital application form must be used. The applicant’s department/faculty must confirm that the application is supported – this is sent in ePhorte from the main applicant’s department/faculty.

Application deadline: 30 April 2024

Assessment criteria:

– Academic quality and relevance to global societal challenges

– Innovative interdisciplinary collaboration

– The activity’s contribution to the applicant’s career development or development of the professional environment