New member of staff – Marte Leane Bleken Klemetsdal

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Hi! My name is Marte, and I just started my 4-year PhD journey here at BIO, where I will investigate patterns of demand for Nature’s Contributions to People (also known as ecosystem services) across Norwegian Society.

Originally, I come from Sande in Vestfold, but I’ve been in Bergen for the last four years. Some of you might have met me before, as I recently finished my master’s degree in marine biology here working with Dr. Mari Eilertsen.  Prior to that, I was a bachelor’s student at the Arctic University of Norway (UiT), studying “Biology, Climate and Environment”.

Some of the key interests throughout my studies have been related to management and conservation, and understanding how human activities are affecting our environments. I’m therefore very excited to start as PhD student, as a part of CeSAM ( and their project NCPNorge. I will work within the framework of “Nature’s Contributions to People”, where my main goal is to understand the demand for different contributions among stakeholders and rightsholders in Norway, and the underlying socio-economic factors driving this demand. This work will be interdisciplinary, and I will work closely with my main supervisor Prof. Pete Manning (Department of Biological Sciences) and Prof. Endre Tvinnereim (Department of Government). I’ll be holding workshops and using social surveys, such as the Norwegian Citizen Panel.

In addition, I will be involved in teaching courses at BIO and look forward to meet both teachers and students.



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