NRC – COST: Join new international research networks as stepping stones to Horizon Europe

[Our translation]

Norwegian researchers and companies can now apply to join 60 new COST networks that start up in 2024. The Research Council learns that the participants in these networks have increased chances of succeeding in the EU’s Horizon Europe, the largest research and innovation program in the world.The network, under the auspices of European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), is an international network between researchers and covers all subjects, disciplines and sectors.
The participants bring their own research into the network and COST provides support for meetings, seminars and conferences in the network, summer schools and short research stays.  COST does not finance research.

High Norwegian interest

There is high interest here in Norway in participating in the network, and Norwegian actors participated in close to 90 per cent of the approximately 300 active networks. According to a survey from the Research Council, every third Norwegian participant is involved in a Horizon application or is planning an application together with other participants from the network.

Can open many doors

Several Norwegian participants The Research Council has been in contact with, who believe it is valuable to participate in the COST network in order to form a consortium for Horizon Europe applications.
The experienced researcher and chemist Mats Tilset has positive experiences from several COST networks.
– Good networks often lead to collaboration on larger project applications. It is not unusual for one to be given the opportunity to join a consortium to apply for Horizon funds. Many people use COST networks to get an overview of and make contacts within research fields they are considering starting new activities in. It is not necessary to participate in COST to become skilled – but it helps, states Tilset.

Early career researchers in particular can benefit from participating in COST networks.
– It is a good introduction to international collaboration and an opportunity to develop a personal professional network that can open many doors, says Trude Dypvik, special adviser at the Research Council.

Get in touch if you want to participate

You can find an overview of the new networks on the COST website. See the attachment for information about the new networks. Contact us at the Research Council as soon as possible and before 10 June to join. Send an e-mail to:

The Research Council will ask those interested in participating to send a short application using a more detailed template together with their CV. This also applies to those who have been “secondary proposers” in the application process.

Positive experiences from Norwegian participants in the COST network

Earlier this year, the Research Council conducted a survey of Norwegian participants in networks that were completed in 2022 and 2023. Here are some excerpts from the response:

  • 31 percent participated in an EU project, in an application or planning an application to Horizon Europe, together with other participants from the network.
  • 20 percent say participation in the network has been absolutely decisive for getting into good consortia with a view to participation in the EU’s framework program for research and innovation.
  • More than 60 percent have published together with other participants in the network.
  • Closer to 80 per cent say that they would definitely recommend others to participate in a COST network.

Deadline for applying to create new networks 23 October

The call for applications to create new COST networks is now open and the application deadline is 23 October 2024. More information here: Open Call: A Simple One-Step Application Process



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