Month: September 2024

Greetings from the Department

When I received this year’s overview of when we group leaders were to contribute to Bionytt, I was a bit amused. The list naturally consisted of dates and our names, but also a comment section behind where me and Katja…

New member of Staff – Thi Hong Gam Le

My name is Gam Le. I’m currently a post-doc on Nephrocalcinosis project, BIO, UiB about understanding kidney functions under and environmental changes related to the formation of kidney stones and unlocking the key to dietary interventions in trout and Atlantic…

Feedback after completed GMO inspection at BIO

The GMO inspection was carried out by the Norwegian Directorate of Health on Tuesday 10 September at BIO’s premises. They were particularly interested in the live facilities (T55-1.floor), zebrafish lab and fly lab. In addition, the teaching lab in the…

Open House Bergen – 14.-15.september

Would you like to explore UiB buildings that you don’t usually visit?  For the first time, UiB is participating with selected buildings in the architecture festival Open House Bergen on September 14-15, 2024. The Geophysical Institute, the University Library, the…

Invitation to make a presentation on Teachers’ Day 2025

Teachers’ Day [Lærerenes dag] will be held on 31 January 2025. With this, we wish and invite professional communities from all faculties and institutes to register for lectures, seminars, workshops and other academic contributions that profile current research at UiB.…