Editorial – 12.12.2024

There aren’t many days left until we hopefully get to recharge over the Christmas holidays! These days, we at the study section are working a lot to conclude the year with the practicalities of completing exams and planning for the start of the spring semester. The deadline for course registration for students is Wednesday January 8th and classes start the following week. 

As Ståle wrote in the previous editor, we are removing the specializations in the master’s in biology from next round of admissions for autumn 2025. Removing specializations may sound a bit chaotic, changes can often be experienced that way, but I think this will be good! There are already students asking about this, so I hope it is a sign that our own bachelor’s students will apply for a master’s here. Removing the specializations will give the students more options when applying and hopefully the students will be connected to the research groups more quickly than before. It will probably require us to be more alert at the start of the semester, but I think everyone is prepared for that. 

Kristin, Øyvind, Christian, Ståle and I are working on follow-up after the teachers’ meeting and just after the New Year we will provide more information on points for follow-up. 

Hope everyone has a peaceful Christmas! 

Beate Ulrikke 

Head of studies