The campus bus’ last day of running before Summer will be Friday 1. July. Normal service is resumed after Summer starting Monday 15. August.
Author: mbika
Invitation to apply for the course Collegial Teaching and Learning in STEM Education.
The course Collegial Teaching and Learning in STEM Education (MNPED660) is an elective teaching and learning course in higher education offered by bioCEED to all MN-UiB staff and count as part of the basic pedagogical competence requirement at UiB.
Informasjonsmøter om bruk av Marine Facilities Planning (MFP) – nytt system for toktsøknader
Only available in Norwegian language Det nye toktsystemet Marine Facilities Planning (MFP) åpnes for innlegging av toktsøknader 1 juni.
Reminder: Announcement of rest funds SPIRE 2022
Only available in Norwegian language SPIRE lyses ut 572.000 NOK restmidler i følgende kategorier:
Newsletter Digital Life Norway Research School
Please that you can now send your abstract for the Norwegian Bioinformatics Days (continuation of the previous FUGE-mmeetings): I In addition to posters and presentations, you may also forward your ideas for potential workshops.
Master’s exams in June
We are receiving details regarding planned master’s exams in June continuously, and many are therefore still missing from the list. We will update this news blog and the web calendar contiuously, so you will be able to find information regarding…
7. June. Trial lecture, Heidi Kristina Meyer
8. June. Master’s presentation, Tage Vestlie
9. June. Master’s presentation, Øydis Brendeland
17. juni. Disputas, Heidi Kristina Meyer
Time and place: Friday 17. June, 09:15, Stort Auditorium, Datablokk, Høyteknologisenteret Thormøhlens gate 55 Title: Biodiversity and spatial ecology of arctic sponge grounds in the Nordic Seas