This content is only available in Norwegian language Nå er det tid for å søke tokttid for 2023. Som noen av dere er kjent med er det et nytt verktøy for søknader og administrasjon av tokt. Prinsippene for søknad, prioritering,…
Author: mbika
Undervisningsassistenter og gjesteforelesere høsten 2022 – påminnelse
This content is only available in Norwegian language Vi minner om at siste frist for å melde inn behov for undervisningsassistenter og gjesteforelesere høsten 2022 er 20 mai. Skjema for utfylling finner dere her:
Horizon Europe Workshop for BIO researchers – May 30th 2022
Dear all, If you are interested in Horizon Europe and would you like to learn more about how to navigate this extensive framework program, we would like to invite you to a hands-on workshop for our BIO researchers: Horizon Europe…
Guest seminars by Lisa Levin (SIO) and Karin Limburg (SUNY) Monday 30. May
When: Monday 30th Mai 2022: 09:15-10:45 Where: Store auditorium Høyteknologisenteret (HIB), Marineholmen
Improve your Academic Writing and Presentation Skills in English
Sign up here We are happy to announce that UiB Ferd now offer courses in academic English. It is the professional language training company Lingu that will give the training.
Trial lecture Bjørg Kristine Hundal: Cardiac health in farmed Atlantic salmon
Time: Wednesday 1. June, 14:15 Place: Stort auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret
MolBio Seminar: Neuronal Regeneration in Nematostella vectensis
Welcome to this week’s MolBio seminar by Fatemeh Mazloumi Gavgani, post doc i Fabian Rentzsch’s research group. Tune: Tuesday 24. May, 9.15 Place: Digital – contact for link (edit)
Call for Applications: PhD Supervision Excellence Training for Academic Staff 20-24 June 2022
Dear members of the Doctoral Studies & the Education Innovation Working Groups, I am happy to invite you to the Second Teaching Excellence Training for Academic Staff: PhD Supervision Excellence Training for Academic Staff organised by The European Network on…
Dear colleagues, On behalf of the Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, we are thrilled to invite you to attend the upcoming Sars Symposium 2022, “Biological transitions: from molecules to evolution”, which we will host on June 10, 2022 at Vilvite, in Bergen,…
New position at UNIS Assoc. Prof. Environmental Chemsitry and Toxicology
The Department of Arctic Technology at UNIS invites applications for a permanent, full time Associate Professor position in environmental chemistry and toxicology. Read the announcement