Our translation: ChatGPT in teaching and assessment at UiB (Norwegian language) How can and should ChatGPT be used by students and staff at UiB? In this lab breakfast, we get a brief introduction to what language models such as ChatGPT…
Category: Calendar
The University Museum: “Soya de siste 100 år”. Seminar Friday 15. September
Welcome to seminar on soya 15. Sept. (14.30 – 16.30) at the University Museum. Sign up: Soya de siste 100 år (uib.no)
Wed 13. Sep. PhD trial lecture Agnieszka Ruminska
Costs and benefits of group living in mammals and birds 10.15-11.00 Zoom webinar: https://tinyurl.com/3j5d3rdw
Wed 6. Sep. PhD trial lecture, Peng Yin
Carotenoids as antioxidants: effects on redox biology and health in fish 13.15-14. Zoom webinar: https://tinyurl.com/33c4uxdp
Fri 8. Sep. Master’s presentation, Leif Refsnes Bø
The effect of high and low particle load on smoltification of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in RAS. 10.15-10.45 Zoom: kontakt Hilde.Armo@uib.no for lenke
Thu 14. Sep: Invitation for islet cleaning day
Dear all BIO would like to invite everyone in the department to the Islet cleaning day on Thursday the 14th of September. Deadline to register is the 29th of august, at 15:00 REGISTER HERE: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=15376785 Should you have any…
Wed 30. Aug. PhD mid-term presentation, Andreas Midlang
Characterizing and modelling the effect of Mechano transduction in the development of a chordate nervous system 14.00-14.30 The Sars seminar room, 2. floor Bioblokken
Thu 31. Aug: Master’s presentation Sofie Breisnes Wormdahl
Effect of simulated saturation diving on dopamine synthesis regulation 11.00-11.30 Room 439C1 (the N-terminal), 4th floor, Bioblokken
Thu 31. Aug: Ocean Science Bar: An expedition with OceanExplorer into the deep ocean – Living the marine scientists dream
Ocean scientists and others are invited to Ocean Science Bar at Statsraaden Bar & Reception – Thursday 31st of August at 19:00 with bar open before, during and after. See the event webpage for more info
UiB’s Best Ideas – June 19th
We would like to invite you to UiB’s upcoming innovation event UiB’s best ideas on 19 June from 14.00-16.00. After the event, food and drink will be served.