Category: Calendar

MSCA Staff Exchanges (SE) – Webinar on the call for 2022

Time/Place:  14 Dec 09:30 – 11:00; Digital: Live streaming, video recording will be available The SE action funds short-term international and inter-sectoral exchanges of staff members involved in research and innovation activities of participating organisations. The aim is to develop…

Cluster 6 Matchmaking Event

Brussels based RDI offices from Cyprus, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland and Slovenia are organizing an online matchmaking event on 2 December for Horizon Europe’s Cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment. You can find the agenda here and register…

21 Nov. PhD defense, Sarah Marie Stoppel

13.15 – 15.00 Lille auditorium, Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret Webinar: Norovirus in Pacific Oysters: Insights into Molecular Viability Assays and Mitigation Strategies to Improve Food Safety

21 Nov. Mid-term presentation, Emily Denny

Shaping of hydrothermal microbiomes in response to energy availability: An ecological investigation of variance of deep sea chemoautotrophic microbial diversity at different scales in connection with energy sources 8:45 – 9:30 Seminar room K3/K4, Blokk B, Biologen