Time: 25. November 10:00 – 12:00 Place: The University Aula Program and registration: UiB AI #4 Examples of Medical AI | UiB AI | UiB
Category: Calendar
14. nov. Mid-term evaluation, Natascha Bartsch
14.15 – 15.00 Room 439C1 (“Inkubatoren”), 4th floor, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret Development and function of sensory cells in Nematostella
17 Nov. Ph.d. prøveforelesning, Sarah M. Stoppel
14.15 – 15.00 Room K1 + K2, A-blokken, Biologen Virus in the marine environment, ecological importance and role as pathogens for marine animals
25 Nov. Introduction to Data Management Plans (DMP)
When/Where: 25.11.2022; Zoom Registration deadline: 24.11.2022
28. Nov. Overåkingsdagen 2022
Norwegian language 28. november 2022 kl 09-12, i Miljødirektoratets lokaler på Helsfyr Seminaret strømmes
EuroMarine Early Career Researchers: Register now for free online training
Practical online workshop – Secure funding and forge your own path Module 1 – Sink or Swim! Secure your future in research: Tuesday, 8th November 2022, 10:00-13:30 CET Module 2 – Expand your Career Network: Tuesday, 22th November 2022, 10:00-13:00…
9. Nov. Master’s presentation Anne Hareide Lund: Establishing fin whale fibroblast culture conditions for toxicological studies
10.15–10.45 K1, 1. floor. A-blokken, Biologen
Nov 2nd. The art of storytelling with EMMY Award winner James Honeyborne
12:30 – 1400 Tårnsalen by the University Museum. https://www.uib.no/en/marine/157591/art-storytelling-james-honeyborne
3. Nov. DNVA annual meeting, open session: Triple threats to our ocean
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (DNVA), announces an open meeting in Bergen, with talks shedding light on three coinciding threats to the ocean. The lectures are free of charge, and open to anyone interested. The program has been…