Infections by the protistan parasite Marteilia pararefringens in bivalves and its distribution along the Norwegian coast 12.15-14.15 Auditorium A, Allégaten 66 Read Mats’ press release [Norwegian language]
Category: Research training
PhD mid-term presentation, Lotta Schultz 26 March
Assessing the legacy effect of past connectivity dynamics on present-day alpine biodiversity 14.15-15.00 Seminar room K3, Biologen, B-block Supervisors: Suzette Flantua og John Arvid Grytnes Evaluation committee: Associate Professor Richard Telford, Professor Peter Manning
PhD defense, Mari Lie Larsen 21 March
Evidence- based policymaking: Exploring the effectiveness of salmon aquaculture management in Norway 13.15-14.15 Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret Read Mari’s press release [Norwegian language]
Applications reading day for PhDs and Post Docs April 8-10
[Our translation] As part of the Career Days 2025, 05 UiB Ferd Career Center is organizing application reading days for PhDs and postdocs at UiB. In these sessions, researchers with little or no application experience can read winning applications for…
Centre for Digital Life Norway Summer research school: Oceans under stress June 2-6 in Bergen
This course is designed for PhD students specializing in marine environmental toxicology, marine biology, bioinformatics, statistics, and mathematics. The program consists of a 3-day PhD course followed by a 2-day workshop, providing an interdisciplinary platform for students and experts to…
Friday 14. March PhD trial lecture. Mats Bøgwald (NB NEW TIME)
Impact of notifiable diseases in shellfish aquaculture in Norway. Surveillance and management 10.15-11.00 Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret
ECC party Friday February 28th!
The ECC is back with another party! Next Friday, 28.02, from 8 PM, we have booked the top floor of Fincken Bar (Nygårdsgaten 2A) for a night of socializing, music, and dancing. As a special treat, there will be…
Deadline for registering MSCA Doctoral Network initiatives – 16. May
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN) is a scheme that funds PhD fellows from all over the world in European PhD education networks. The networks, or projects, last for 4-5 years, and can fund 15 PhD candidates for up…
Tue 4. Mar. PhD mid-term presentation/MolBio seminar, Maria John
Decoding Tumor cell invasive Switch 9.15-10.00 The Incubator (ropm439C1), 4th floor, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Fri 21. Feb. PhD defense, Rubén Javier López
A multi-omics approach to Fervidobacterium, a group of thermophilic feather-degrading anaerobes 15.00-17.30 Lille auditorium, 2et Datablokken, TM55