Category: Research training

Tuesday 28. June. PhD-defense, Bjørg Kristine Hundal

28. June, Bjørg Kristine Hundal defends her thesis entitled «Optimisation of dietary n-3 and n-6 fatty acids for a robust Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)» for the PhD degree at the University of Bergen. Time: 28.6.2022 – 14.15 Place: Stort auditorium,…

Mon 27. June, PhD defense, Thomas Clegg

27. June, Thomas L Clegg will defend his PhD at the University of Bergen with a thesis entitled «Estimating unreported catches in Norwegian fisheries». Time: 27.6.2022 – 13.15 Place: Stort auditorium, HIB

Tuesday 28. June. PhD-defense, Zonglai Liang

Zonglai Liang will 28.6.2022 defend his thesis for the degree of PhD at the University of Bergen, entitled «Exploring the function of Anoctamin family genes for Ciona intestinalis». Time: 28.6.2022 – 12.15 Place: Auditoriet, VilVite, Thormølens gt 51

Newsletter Digital Life Norway Research School

Please that you can now send your abstract for the Norwegian Bioinformatics Days (continuation of the previous FUGE-mmeetings): I In addition to posters and presentations, you may also forward your ideas for potential workshops.

17. juni. Disputas, Heidi Kristina Meyer

Time and place: Friday 17. June, 09:15, Stort Auditorium, Datablokk, Høyteknologisenteret Thormøhlens gate 55 Title: Biodiversity and spatial ecology of arctic sponge grounds in the Nordic Seas