On behalf of bioCEED, we would like to recommend the latest episode of the NOKUT podcast (#60 The one about students as partners – before and now), where Oddfrid and Ruben talk about bioCEED and student partners https://www.nokut.no/utdanningskvalitet/ nokut-podden/ [Norwegian…
Category: Teaching and student matters
New opening hours at the Student Information Centre at MatNat and Norwegian Red Cross stipends for master’s students
The Student Information Centre at MatNat have new opening hours, and are no open Monday – Thursday 10am – 14pm. The Norwegian Red Cross offer stipends for master’s students which may be relevant to some students writing their thesis on…
Utrecht Nettverkets young researchers grant 2024/25. Application deadline: 20 February 2024
Every year, the Utrecht Network publishes the Young Researchers grant, a grant of €1,200 intended for students on a research stay who do not qualify for an Erasmus grant. This is a simple application form and a good opportunity for…
Call – Innovasjon Norge: 1 mill NOK for student projects
[Norwegian language] Hei! Innovasjon Norge har lyst ut finansiering av opptil 1 million kroner for oppstartsprosjekt gjennom Stud-ENT, og vi håper det er mange på og rundt UiB som kan tenkje seg å søkje. Det er ope for både master-,…
Climate and energy transition – announcement of seed funding and travel support 2024
[Our translation] We refer to the announcement of seed funds and travel support (see below) and ask that the announcements be made known to the units The two announcements – Seed funds for project applications and the development of educational…
Wed 31. Jan. Seminar on the 2024 UTFORSK call
When: 9.00-11.00 Where: Seminarrom D, 2. et, Studentsenteret More info and sign up here
Call: North2North staff exchange. Internal deadline March 1st
[Our translation] The UArctic network, of which UiB is a member, advertises funds for the exchange of staff between institutions participating in the mobility program north2north (n2n). Both academic and administrative staff can apply for support for exchange through n2n.
There is now a call for travel support to students with funding from UiB’s committed research area Climate and energy.
Support for applications for Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships – Deadline March 5th 2024
More info and links for the application forms here [Norwegian language]: Samarbeidspartnarskap Erasmus+ | HK-dir (erasmuspluss.no). Application deadline 5. March 2024. The UiB support team for education projects are happy to help in the application process. Potential applicants are welcome…
Call, UTFORSK: 90 mill NOK for internatonal collaboration on education
[Our translation] We are announcing up to NOK 90 million in grants for international educational cooperation. The announcement is in the UTFORSK program and applies to Norwegian higher education institutions and partners in Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, China, South Africa,…