The interns Ingrid and Sandra from Michael Sars Centre are participating in the 2nd Mission Arena in Riga this April. They are gathering data on the researcher’s perspective about opportunities and resources available in order to take research findings into industry. To…
Category: Teaching and student matters
UiB: intensivmidler, Ugleprisen 2024 og Pilotprosjekter for redesign av studieprogram – digital kunnskap og forståelse
[Norwegian language] Utlysning av insentivmidler og Ugleprisen 2024 Insentivordningen skal tilrettelegge for utviklingstiltak som bidrar til økt studiekvalitet og økt gjennomstrømning. Les utlysningsbrevet her Invitasjon: Pilotprosjekter for redesign av studieprogram for å integrere digital kunnskap og forståelse i utdanningene…
Fri 15. Mar. Master’s thesis presentation, Aruhn Thevarajan
Fekunditet hos lakselus (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) på laks i kommersielle oppdrettsanlegg When: 13.15-13.445 Where: Seminar room K1, 1. floor, block A, Biologen (TM53A)
Election for the Department council , group B and D
Announcement – election for the Department council , group B(temporarily employed staff in teaching and research positions) and D(students),for more information, see: Announcement of Department council election 2024 Deadline for proposals:5th March, 12:00 PM Nominations can be sent to []
Thu 21. Mar. MatNat Teachers’ retreat – registration
To all teachers at the faculty For the third time, the Faculty and the Pedagogical Academy welcome you to the teachers’ retreat. The seminar will be held on March 21st at 08.30 – 16.30. The teachers’ retreat will take place at UiB Learning…
Thu 7. March. Master’s presentation, Cecilie Danielsen
Piscine orthoreovirus-1 (PRV-1) infection dynamics: Investigation through temporal profiling of factors affecting viral susceptibility, infectiousness, and persistence in Atlantic salmon When: 13.15-13.45 Where: Konferanserom A, VilVite, Thormøhlensgt 51
Fri 8. March. Master’s presentation by Gudrun Lønning
“Uttesting av diverse molekylære adjuvanser, med fokus på CCL4 og CCL21, for DNA-vaksine mot lakselus (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)” When: 14.15-15.45 Where: Rom K2, A-blokken, Biologen
Feedback regarding revision of UiB’s Quality System for Education
[The head of education [utdanningsleder] coordinates the issue at BIO. If you have feedback or questions, please contact] In the spring of 2023, the Education Committee [Utdanningsutvalget] set up a working group which was tasked with preparing a proposal…
Wed 21 Feb. Master’s opportunities at the Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)
Welcome to an information meeting about master’s opportunities at the Department of Biological Sciences When: 10.15-12.00 Where: Aktiv 2, Høyteknologisenteret, 1. floor Wednesday 21. February at 10.15-12.00 we all bachelor’s students in Biology and Molecular Biology are invited to an…
REMINDER: bioCEED 10-year anniversity March 6th
BioCEED is inviting you to celebrate our 10-year anniversary in the University Aula March 6, at 12:00-17:00. Sign up here: