Information about construction and maintenance work Thormøhlensgate 55, May 2023

Scope of work

In connection with the project to replace ventilation units in the data block Thormøhlensgate 55, the following works that could affect users of the building are planned in week 18,19 and 20:

• Friday 05.05: Work on roof off ventilation room 9th floor May cause some noise, but it is not expected to spread much further down the floors.
• Tuesday 09.05: Work on ventilation. Will be loss off supply air in part of plan 1 (see attached sketch)
• Monday 15.05: Crane of materials. Will cause noises in the floor when lifting. (see attached sketch of outdoor areas which will be closed during the operation)

For more details, see the attached letter from the Estates and Facilities Management Divison.